Dad Pods – Music Podcast Hall of Fame

Happy Father’s Day to all the proud poppas!

This week’s playlist is for all those dads who are slowly giving up hard rock for talk radio…or in our case, podcasts.

This week we induct the inaugural class of Rock ‘n’ Roll Storytime’s Dad Pod Hall Of Fame!! Some of the best episodes from our favorite music-related podcasts. Dad Rock Pods for those who rock Dad Bods.

Much of our inspiration and information comes from the incredibly dedicated shows, so if you’re still reading this, we’re happy to introduce you to our suppliers of uncut rock ‘n’ roll history.

The titles of several tell you everything you need to know about the show: A History of Rock ‘n’ Roll in 500 Songs, Rivals: Music’s Greatest Feuds and Cocaine & Rhinestones: The History of Country Music.

Music Exists with Chuck Klosterman and Chris Ryan is a cerebral take on the deeper meaning of music from veteran rock critics.

Let It Roll began as series discussing the history of rock ‘n’ roll with the late, great Ed Ward, but has evolved into an amazing auditory book report on rock biographies. This has become a personal favorite, really helping me connect the social and cultural relevance of rock ‘n’ roll, exposing many of the ugly truths but also revealing it’s inevitable assent into high culture.

But if you’re looking for sleazy stories and a dramatized Rock ‘n’ Roll Storytime, go visit Disgracedland…which was just picked up by Amazon so who knows what’ll be showing up at our doorsteps!

If those podcasts aren’t enough to knock you out, then take a deep dive with these and call us in the morning.

Off The Record: David Bowie

The Band: A History

Stay Free: The Story of The Clash – doesn’t seem to be available anymore…but the playlist is still alive.

Bob Dylan: Album By Album

Podspeed! You’ve got a lot to get through with this week’s playlist and all our recommendations!

What are some of your favorite music podcasts or episodes we missed? Let us know, we’re always looking to feed the beast!

Also, don’t forget to check out the amazing Willie and Austin, Texas podcast playlist mentioned in our 420 special.

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